Bug Bite Thing

Business Owner: Kelley Higney

Email: media@thebugbitething.com

Phone: 561.748.5587

Store Address: https://www.BugBiteThing.com/

County: St. Lucie

Website: https://www.bugbitething.com/

Products/Services: Other

As Seen on Shark Tank, Bug Bite Thing offers a chemical-free, eco-friendly solution to effectively alleviating stinging, itching and swelling caused by insect bites and stings. The #1 selling product for insect bite relief on Amazon, with over 30,000 positive reviews, the reusable tool solely uses suction to remove insect saliva/venom from underneath the skin, making it safe for children of all ages and adults. Bug Bite Thing retails for $9.95 plus free shipping and customers who use the code "WEVENTURE10" will receive a 10% discount.